Monday, May 28, 2012

Cub Scouts in China

I know I shouldn't be admitting this, but one of the perks about moving to China for me was a break from scouts:) I thought D and I would work through the book together, on our own...Oh no! We became a part of a grand pack here in Beijing. The Cub Master is a go-getter, but unfortunately many of the activities (including pack meeting) were held out in the suburbs which is about 45 minutes from where we live in the city. This posed to be quite a challenge for many things and caused some stress at times. But with our amazing den leader, she powered these boys through the Webolo I & II program in less than one year. Each of them received their Arrow of Light award!

Please excuse my terrible video skills and photography below. But these pictures are priceless and I wanted to document the event. Look at proud dad (an eagle Scout) lighting the candle.

Our Webolo Den! Sorry about the red eyes!

D and his Den Leader
 These are D's best buds! The huge blessing of cub scouts was these guys got to see each other outside of church. D goes to a different school and relished in their time together at scouts. Sadly, his den leader (one of my great friends) and her family (one of these guys below) are moving next month. One hard thing about being an expat...people go:(
Despite the logistical challenges, it was an experience in cub scouts. Now onto Boy Scouts! (thankfully after summer so we can have a break!) Oh, and isn't Boy Scouts more of a "dad thing" than a "mom thing"? Please?

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