Friday, August 20, 2010

I just wouldn't listen!

A few years back when we were in the market for a garage freezer friends told me, "don't get a chest is too hard to see what you have!"
And I just wouldn't listen!!!
So after a couple of years of digging, guessing and more digging I came up with a plan!
Above the freezer, out in the garage, I hung a whiteboard. I did inventory. Whenever I move something to the inside freezer, or cook it, I erase it from the board.

Some items (like frozen pizza) I even put a count buy it, when we use it I can just change the number. It is magnetized so I hung a paper for a shopping list. I then got a little OCD and used different colors for different categories; breakfast is orange, purple is pasta and bread and snacks, blue is meat.

Happy Organizing!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Back To School- Doodle Bug

Can you hardly believe it is that time? Our kids went back to school this week.
Whoever came up with this line of school supplies is brilliant!(available at Target)

We bought the Book Covers but there are also notebooks, binders, etc. They are made by Gartner and were reasonably priced.

I LOVED to doodle, I still do, so I just may sneak my daughter's text books to color a bit. How will you spend your back to school hours without your kids?