Friday, November 23, 2007

Not Black Friday...Glitter Friday

Happy Thanksgiving. All day I looked forward to organizing my goodies to begin Christmas projects. Here is a picture of all my ribbon and extra fabrics. Why hide it away, it is so beautiful.

I decided that I would try many different crowns this year. Some are with glass ornaments, others are made out of vintage fabrics and glitter. I will post some pictures as soon as they turn out how I envisioned them to look. For now, here is my creative chaos.


tammy said...

How fun!!! I am excited to see how it turns out. I have my own prject on my hands that will be started on Monday when we decorate the entire house and put up the lights.

browneyedjessica said...

umm, so that chandalier in the background of that picture would go great in my house. well, maybe i should just ask where I can get cheaper chandaliers because my dining room is in desperate need...but not to spend $200

Carissa said...


Everything looks lovely. I adore glitter. I can't wait to see all your finished projects.