Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Year One in Beijing

Our actual one year anniversary of living in China was on August 3rd, just days before we were to return from our summer trip to the USA. Since I've been back I've been distracted and actually forgot to celebrate!

This is certainly a reason to celebrate, even if I am at home alone and it is Tuesday afternoon. There were times I did not think I would make it a whole year. I think there were times that hubby, my parents, and even my own children didn't think I was going to make it a year! Face it, moving is hard. Living in a city is hard. Living in a city, in CHINA, is hard! 

But I've learned many great things this past year, which I've tried to let you in on many of them. One new realization is just because something is hard, it doesn't have to be horrible. You may ask what the hardest part has been? Hands down, being so far from loved ones! Yet, being "on our own" here has been a bonding experience for us all. Second, the hardest thing has been the fact that it is just so darn different to life as I knew it. I might as well be on a different planet. I mean it! When it looks different, smells different, sounds different...you get the idea.  Learning a new normal is something that just takes time.

So what about the next year? Well, since it is not new anymore I can sit back and enjoy all the things that will be over before we know it. 

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