Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am thankful for many things! 
I could make a list here, but you know what they are. They are, most likely, the same things you are thankful for. 
But I cannot help but make special note of how thankful I am to be American! Many, many items on the "standard thankful list" are possible because of the fact that I am American. We cannot hide from the daily news about destruction and turmoil around the earth (and America is certainly not exempt) nevertheless, Americans have hope for a better tomorrow. 
Happy Thanksgiving fellow Americans!
 (And a Happy Thanksgiving to our Canadian friends too)

...and America rocks because we have a holiday centered solely around food! Posting from a country that does not have aforementioned holiday. Eat up friends and loved ones!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Jen and family!!