Monday, April 28, 2008

Happy Monday! Q & A

Why blog?
Connecting with others with same interests, feeling validation, sharing inspiration.
What kind of blog?
I enjoy so many types of blogs (family, craft, journal, humorous) so I have made mine a little bit of all of those.
What challenges have you faced with blogging?
Having the computer suck up many hours, feeling self indulgent everytime I make a new post.
Favorite thing about blogging?
Finding something inspiring everytime I look, "meeting" kind strangers, and knowing that something I do inspires someone, somewhere.

1 comment:

Jan said...

Love the strawberries. Yummers. Ours are starting to bloom and getting ready to make some. Can't wait. Blogging is a fantastic way to keep in touch, get inspired and connect with others and meet new people. I am glad that I met you through Tammy. Thanks.